Tonight is BBC Children in Need. Pudsey and Bear share a love of spots, and today we're donating 20% of sales at to help change children's lives.
Love, Bear x

Posted by Where's that Bear? on
Tonight is BBC Children in Need. Pudsey and Bear share a love of spots, and today we're donating 20% of sales at to help change children's lives.
Love, Bear x
Posted by Where's that Bear? on
Bear has turned pink! We’re supporting the ‘wear it pink’ campaign, standing up to breast cancer with Breast Cancer Now. Like thousands across the country, we and all our friends are wearing pink. And what a fabulous colour it is too!
Breast Cancer affects so many of us, and today we will be donating 10% of all our sales to help fight the disease. is dressed all in pink to show our support.
Love, Bear x